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Après, j'ai eu la capacité de tourner rapidement et librement ce film puisque j'en... Manière de travailler Lorsqu'il tourne, Damien Manivel a l'habitude de partir d'une intuition sur le fond et une idée basique de structure. Il confie: "Pour vous donner un exemple, je sais que le récit se déroulera sur une journée et une nuit dans un parc, que le personnage principal sera une adolescente, qu'elle vivra une histoire avec un jeune homme et croisera la route d'un gardien du parc. Le premier jour, nous commençons donc par filmer le rendez-vous... Le casting Pour incarner la jeune fille, Damien Manivel voulait travailler en compagnie d'une acrobate avec qui il pouvait avoir un langage commun étant donné qu'il donne beaucoup d'indications gestuelles. C'est dans cette optique qu'il a choisi Naomie Vogt-Roby au terme d'un casting. Les autres comédiens, Maxime Bachellerie et Sobere Sessouma, sont respectivement étudiant à la fac et professeur de philosophie. C'est le cinéaste qui les a cro... Dernières news Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer...

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9 / 10 When Sid's attempt to adopt three dinosaur eggs gets him abducted by their real mother to an underground lost world, his friends attempt to rescue him. Carlos Saldanha, Mike Thurmeier Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary 6. 8 / 10 The Madagascar animals join a struggling European circus to get back to New York, but find themselves being pursued by a psychotic animal control officer. Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock 6. 6 / 10 The Madagascar animals fly back to New York City, but crash-land on an African nature reserve, where they meet others of their own kind, and Alex especially discovers his royal heritage as prince of a lion pride. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Chris Rock, David Schwimmer Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that the ice age is coming to an end, and join everybody for a journey to higher ground. On the trip, they discover that Manny, in fact, is not the last of the woolly mammoths. Director: Carlos Saldanha Set during the Ice Age, a sabertooth tiger, a sloth, and a wooly mammoth find a lost human infant, and they try to return him to his tribe.

SS Experiment Camp British video release poster Directed by Sergio Garrone Written by Sergio Chiusi Vinicio Marinucci Sergio Garrone Starring Mircha Carven Paola Corazzi Giorgio Cerioni Music by Vasili Kojucharov Roberto Pregadio Cinematography Maurizio Centini Edited by Cesare Bianchini Release date 1976 Running time 91 minutes Country Italy Language Italian SS Experiment Camp (also known as SS Experiment Love Camp; original release title: Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur) is a 1976 Nazi exploitation film directed by Sergio Garrone. The plot concerns consensual sexual experimenting with female prisoners of a concentration camp run by Colonel von Kleiben (Giorgio Cerioni), a Nazi officer who needs a testicle transplant after being castrated by a Russian girl. [1] It gained infamy in the 1980s for its controversial themes and a public advertising campaign that involved obscene, suggestive posters. The film was banned in some countries, including the United Kingdom, where the film was subject to prosecution as one of the films known as " video nasties "; a title used in the press and by campaigners that came to be used for a list of films that could be found obscene under the Obscene Publications Act.